Welcome to the website of Lodge Dunearn 400 – a masonic lodge in the Province of Fife and Kinross in Scotland. We have existed in this lovely seaside town since 1859 and are proud to still be initiating young men into the Craft.

Our lodge meets regularly – every second and fourth Mondays from September to April -and always welcomes visiting masons in good standing.

You can contact us ahead via this site or on our Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/Dunearn400/ - if you wish to do so or want further information.

We are trying to make Freemasonry relevant to today’s generation as much as it was to their predecessors. So if you are interested in freemasonry, if you are a man of good character and believe in making yourself a better person why not contact us and ask how we can help you do that!

I am happy to discuss our lodge or the Craft in general with anyone at any time.

Thanks again for visiting our website. Have a look at some of our other pages whilst you are here.

Ross Hunter RWM 2019